9 Quotes & Sayings By Roger Goodell

Roger Goodell is the commissioner of the National Football League. He was selected by NFL owners to replace Paul Tagliabue, who retired in 2006. As NFL commissioner, Goodell is responsible for all aspects of the National Football League, including team operations, league business operations, game management, labor relations, finance and administration. He is also responsible for overseeing all NFL clubs' compliance with league policies and procedures Read more

Founded in 1920 as the American Professional Football Association, the NFL became part of the new National Football League in 1922. Goodell has held executive positions with the Dallas Cowboys (including serving as general manager), the New York Jets (including as senior executive vice president for team operations) and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers (including as general manager).

The way you continue to be a successful business is you don't wait for the car to go off the cliff. You have to manage yourself. And make sure you do it in the right way so you are not making decisions in crisis. Roger Goodell
No one is above the game or the rules that govern it. Respect for the game and the people who participate in it will not be compromised. Roger Goodell
I don't expect to try to get people to like everything I do. I want them to respect what I do. Roger Goodell
To me, what I love about the draft is; first, you see the young men who are realizing their dreams that they've worked so hard for. That's a pretty cool thing. You saw the emotion from some of these guys the other day. And then, the second thing is this total sense of hope and optimism. And, I think that's great for everybody. Roger Goodell
HGH testing is happening in Olympics. The science is there. It is a valid test. Roger Goodell
I spent a lot of time in the school psychologist's office. I didn't apply myself. My mother thought I had learning disabilities. Roger Goodell
We're in a leadership position in sports. People look up to the National Football League. Roger Goodell
We will always make sure player health and safety is our No. 1 priority in the NFL. Roger Goodell